Sometimes, you want to go fishing and the weather just isn’t how you’d like it. Fortunately, though, you can fish all year round if you want to and if you do your part to thoroughly prepare yourself and your boat for the adventure! Fishing in cold weather can be extremely productive because freshwater fish are likely to school, so you can catch more fish.

Hampton Watercraft & Marine, with locations in Hampton Bays and Eastport, New York, is your Long Island fishing boat dealer. Here are our best tips for cold-weather fishing to help you stay safe and see some results!

1. Find the Optimal Location

First, think about where it is you want to take your fishing boat in the winter. Check your state’s Department of Natural Resources website to learn the most up-to-date information on which fish are where and what time of year will be the best time to go there. is another good resource for national fishing information. You should also check tidal forecasts and currents for inland bodies of water, since high tides and swift currents can be very dangerous to boaters.

2. Gear Up Correctly

You’ll want to make sure that you and your boat and all of your fishing companions are geared up and ready to go. Stock your boat with high-energy snacks like nuts, granola, cheese, sandwiches and thermoses of hot coffee, water and soup. Check your first-aid kit to see if you need to replenish anything. Make sure that you have some tools on hand like a knife, a flashlight, your GPS unit, a compass and laminated map of the area you’ll be fishing in, signal flares, an emergency radio, your phone with a solar charger or battery pack and of course, all of your fishing gear and tackle.

3. Check the Forecast

Before you head out, it’s smart to see what the weather is doing where you’re going to be boating. Check in in advance of your trip and on the day of departure to make sure nothing serious is brewing. You don’t want to head out in sub-zero temperatures or on a very foggy day, nor should you go out if a blizzard is on the forecast. The best time of day in winter for fishing is between 10 AM and 4 PM, when it’s light enough out that you can see and warm enough that the fish should be out, too.

4. Use Caution

The wintertime is when there are more boating fatalities in the United States than any other season, according to the United States Coast Guard, which is why it’s so important that you be on your guard and cautious while you’re fishing in cold weather.

Never fish by yourself in winter, even if you’re the most seasoned veteran. Falling overboard can shock your system and cause you to develop hypothermia and muscle cramps. So having someone who can help to pull you out is an actual lifesaver, especially since there probably won’t be anyone else around if you don’t bring a friend with you.

Make sure that you let your spouse, family, friends or neighbors know where you’re going, how long you anticipate being gone and when you should return. Try to keep in touch via text so they know how you’re doing. If they don’t hear from you, they can alert rescue crews to your location. Don’t change your location without letting someone back home know where you will be.

Everyone on board your fishing boat should wear a life jacket and should also be attired in layers of warm clothing. Cotton is liable to get heavy and keep you too cold if it gets wet, so wear synthetic fabrics or wool instead. Layer up to keep yourself warm and bring extra sweaters and socks to change into if you get wet. Waterproof boots that are tall enough to wade in are another good idea. You can also invest in pocket handwarmers for your coat, which should be waterproof, too.

We hope these tips help you to have a successful cold-weather fishing trip. Still trying to find the perfect fishing boat? Come on down to one of our locations in Eastport or Hampton Bays to tour our stock of new and used fishing boats for sale. We also offer winter storage options at our Eastport marina. Hampton Watercraft & Marine proudly serves Eastern Long Island, New York.